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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Welcome to Maya's World of Music!

Just came back from a Roxette concert in Tel-Aviv...CRAZY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went with my best friend, we have been loving them foreverrrrrrrr! The concert was amazing, they gave thier best, all of them. I knew all of the songs, some of them i haven't heard for years till tonight, and that's one of the best parts of a concert: the surprises. When you go "oh' yes. they're palying that song...". And those peak moments when they paly your absolute favored song that makes your emotions reel. There's a word to describe that feeling: orgasm. There's nothing in the world like a live concert: the energy, the passion, the emotional relief, the unbelievable sensation of actually seeing the artist in front of you with your own eyes.

I have no voice left from the singing and screaming. There were some assholes that complained that i'm making them deaf with my screaming. I asked them if it's their first time in a concert.

Of course, after a concert i stend in the front of the stage and ask very nicely for goodies: play list, a drum stick, a guitar pick, anything they give me- i take. I have a very nice selection of goodies. This time i got a play-list, and after begging the guys that take away the stage, i got a beautiful purple pick. At some point they understood that if they ever want to go home, they need to get rid of me, and it was obvious by the minute that i'm not going empty handed!!!!
Oh, and did i mentioned that i met them for a minute after the concert? yep, yep i did!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Welcome to Maya's World of Music!

Come to my window, Crawl inside, Wait by the light of the moon. Come to my window...I'll be home soon./M.E.

About eight months ago, i got this notion in my head to do a special radio show for Gilad Shalit. Something different. To present him to the world as a human being with feelings and wants like all of us, and not just as a captive soldier. I went to speak to his parents about a radio show that would feature all of Gilad's favorite and loved songs. Noam-his father said that it's been to long and that he doesn't remember Gilad's favorite music. And that they don't want the whole world to listen-only the Prime minister, and he doesn't think that Bibi listens to our RFN radio.

Today a miracle has accured and Gilad is back home, with his femily where he belongs. Lorelai and i were watching the special T.V. brodcast of his return home. The price for his return is very high and very very painfull and we must not ever forget it!!!

I hope one day to sit with Gilad in our studio and to have him as a guest for the Wednesday night musical journey show. To talk about his favorite music and the stories behind them, and of course to play them. And together to send and reinforce the feeling of never giving up hope. To never stop praying-eventually it just happens!