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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Welcome to Maya's World of Music!

I've conquered my past, The future is here at last, I stand at the entrance, To a new world I can see. The ruins to the right of me, Will soon have lost sight of me. Love rescue me!/U2

If it was only as easy as that, but it's not-it's a struggle. A struggle for us, that is sensed through out the song. That is one of the many gifts of music-to manifest our feelings, wishes, frustrations and hope, especially when we can't find the words ourselves. That has always been my relationship with music, especially with songs by U2 and Pearl Jam.

U2: we all have our stories, memories from our first time listening to a song, discavering a band, and from that point on, nothing has been the same. Its just like a relationship that builds its self up. It grows and grows to the point when that music-from that artist gives us understanding, comfort and hope. Sometimes that music saves us. That is my thing with U2 since i was 15.

This Wednesday night special at 9pm, we'll take a two hour musical journey to celebrate Bono's birthday. The music, the stories, the achievements.

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